"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." -Albert Einstein

Monday, October 26, 2015

Text Your Grandpa

It's crazy to think that we live in a time where people of all ages can (for the most part) operate the latest technology. This means that I am able to keep in regular contact with my family back home and far away. In other words, I can text my grandpa (who I don't get to see often because he is busy working and travelling and saving the world).

We all have a person in our lives who always reminds us of how amazing we are. For me, this person is my grandpa. He has been my biggest fan since birth and he never fails to inform me of his unending support in everything I do. I have other very supportive people in my life as well, but none can really compare to my grandpa. Everyone should have this kind of person. 

You will know who this person is when you think back on all past conversations with him or her and you cannot think of a time when he or she has left the conversation on a negative note. This sounds completely impossible, but I cannot recall one time when my grandpa has said something even remotely negative about me or any of my choices. How is that even possible??? It really is incredible to think that a person can believe in another person with 100% faith. 

Maybe my grandpa does have little slivers of doubt every now and then, but he has never expressed any to me. It is vastly empowering to receive this kind of trust. It also allows me to put that same amount of trust in him. The relationship we have forces me to set high standards for everyone in my life. (Although, I will always know that no one will ever be just like him.) 

Thank you, Papa, for answering every text or call when I need advice from someone who understands me better than I understand myself.

If your grandpa has an iPhone, too, you should text him and tell him thanks. Or if your super hero is someone else, text him or her instead. I would like to leave with a message for everyone that I've recently received from Papa Rudy:

So very proud of your many accomplishments and more importantly who you are as a person. 

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